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Ana-Nzinga Weiß M.A.

Ana-Nzinga Weiß 2023
Image Credit: Tim Gassauer

Division Journalism Studies

Institute for Media and Communication Studies

Department of Political and Social Sciences


Researcher in the research project "G-Versity - Achieving Gender Diversity"

Otto-von-Simson-Str. 3, room 201, 14195 Berlin (office)
Garystr. 55
14195 Berlin

Researcher in the research project "G-Versity - Achieving Gender Diversity", Freie Universität Berlin

  • since 02/2021

Research stay with Dr. Sylvie Graf at the Brno Lab of Intergroup Processes, Institute of Psychology, Czech Academy of Sciences

  • 12/2021 - 02/2022

Erasmus at the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication, Erasmus University Rotterdam

  • 09/2019 - 02/2020

Cognition and Communication M.A., University of Copenhagen

  • 09/2018 - 09/2020

Communication Studies and Business Sciences B.A., Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München 

  • 10/2015 - 07/2018

Wintersemester 2023/4

  • Guest Lecture with Radha Hegde in the course "Media and Migration" (New York University Berlin)

Wintersemester 2022/23

Sommersemester 2022

  • Guest Lecture with Christina Haritos in the seminar "28575 S: Journalism and memory in postcolonial contexts" (Freie Universität Berlin)

Wintersemester 2021/22

  • Guest Lecture with Florian Primig in the seminar  "28518 S: Introduction to Critical Disinformation Studies" (Freie Universität Berlin)

  • Guest Lecture with Shari Adlung in the seminar "28513 S: Us and the Others? Migration in Media" (Freie Universität Berlin)

Research projects

Researcher at the research project "G-Versity - Achieving Gender Diversity" - Project 8: What's on TV? The role of gender and social status in media representation 

Research areas

  • Gender Media Studies
  • Intersectionality
  • Critical discourse analysis


  • Weiß, Ana-Nzinga (11/2023). Centering epistemic dynamics in media analyses of 'race' and racism. Conference of the Section "Migration and ethnic minorities" of the German Sociological Association (DGS), Berlin. 
  • Weiß, Ana-Nzinga (05/2023). Epistemic racism and journalistic news production - Proposing an analysis framework. ICA 2023, Toronto.
  • Weiß, Ana-Nzinga (09/2022). Portrayals of the shero. Emergent Femininities and Masculinities in 21st Century Media and Popular Culture (EFM), Athen.
  • Weiß, Ana-Nzinga (05/2022). Moving Beyond Epistemic Racism. ICA Preconference 2022, Paris.
  • Weiß, Ana-Nzinga (10/2021). Social minorities and hegemonic knowledge construction in German journalism. Investigating the influence of ‚race‘ and gender on the construction of knowledge about racism on German public television. Panel for PhDs and M.A.s at the annual conference "Medien und Ungleichheiten" of DGPuK in Magdeburg (Media, Public, Gender, International and Intercultural Communication)


  • Schemmerling, M.; Weiß, A. (Hg.) 2023: "Medien.Pädagogik und Rassismus.Kritik - Impulse einer Auseinandersetzung" merz, 66(5)


  • Weiß, A. (2024). Portrayals of the shero: a critical discourse analysis on the representation of Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel. Journal of gender studies. https://doi.org/10.1080/09589236.2024.2360499
  • Weiß, A.(12/2023). Marginalisierung. In S. Pfertsch (Hrsg.) Vielfalt - Das andere Wörterbuch (S. 148-149). Duden.
  • Weiß, A. (2022). Diversität im deutschen Mediensystem - Ein Interview mit Iva Krtalic, WDR. merz, 66(5), S. 52-56.
  • Weiß, A. (2022). Journalismus- Rassismus – Diversität. Repräsentationen von People of Color und Diversität als Perspektive im deutschen Journalismus. merz, 66(5), S. 46-53.
  • Schemmerling, M. & Weiß, A. (2022). Medien | Pädagogik | Rassismus. Gedanken, Beispiele und Impulse einer kritischen Auseinandersetzung. Editorial. merz, 66(5), S. 6-7.

Extracurricular Events

  • Workshop "Journalism and Racism" for the trainees of the WDR as part of the seminar "reporting in the plural society" (Köln, 2023).
  • Workshop "Diversity and Journalism - Insights from Theory and Practice" together wirh Iva Krtalic and Margreth Lünenborg  at the Summer School of the European Training Network 'G-Versity' (Prag, 2023).
  • Workshop together with Christina Haritos and Rasika Mahajan on 'Postcolonialism and Decolonizing Knowledge' at the Summer School of the European Training Network 'G-Versity' (Berlin, 2022).
  • Weiß, Ana-Nzinga (10/2021). Fighting discrimination: Towards a more inclusive society. European Youth Event 2021, Europäisches Parlament in Straßburg (panel discussion).


  • Podcastepisode: "Gender Discourse in Conspiracy Theories - An Interview with Florian Primig". In: G-Versity Solutions Blog, 2023
  • Podcastepisode: "Feminist politics in Germany - An interview with Miriam Siemon". In: G-Versity Solutions Blog, 2023.
  • Together with Mareike Schemmerling and Kati Struckmeyer: Medien.Pädagogik und Rassismus.Kritik Teil 3: Der Fachredaktionstalk. In: mehr merz. Der Medienpädagogik-Podcast, Dezember 2022.
  • Together with Hanna Szabó: Gender Research at a Glance: Hanna Szabó & Ana-Nzinga Weiß. In: Margherita von Brentano Center for Gender studies (YouTube), Dezember 2022.
  • Weiß, A. & Szabó, H. (2022). Virtual Roundtable: Appraches to Gender in Diversity Research. In: G-Versity Solutions Blog