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Von Popstars und Putzfrauen. Migrantinnen in audio-visuellen Medien

Principal Investigator:
Research Team:

Ministerium für Generationen, Emanzipation, Pflege und Alter des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (MGEPA NRW)

Jan 01, 2010 — Dec 31, 2011

In welcher Weise werden Migrantinnen in deutschen Medien repräsentiert? Welche Bedeutung haben die in den Medien entworfenen Bilder und Repräsentationen für das Selbst- und Fremdbild von Migrantinnen? Diese Fragen stehen im Mittelpunkt des Projektes „Migrantinnen in den Medien“, welches sich in zwei miteinander zusammenhängende Teilstudien gliedert.

This project examines the construction and communication of representations of female migrants within both fictional and non-fictional programming in German TV. Its focus lies on women with migration background living in Germany and TV-programs dealing with their lives. Using group discussions with women with migration background and women without such a background the importance of TV-images for social inclusion and exclusion is investigated. Furthermore, TV workers with migration background are interviewed. Thus, their function and perspective as publicly visible role models is taken into consideration as well. An explorative review of relevant online communication complements the study. In theoretically and empirically approaching the relation between audio-visual media, gender, and migration knowledge about a less-observed field in German communication science is gained.


Lünenborg, Margreth; Fritsche, Katharina; Bach, Annika 2011: Migrantinnen in den Medien. Darstellungen in der Presse und ihre Rezeption. Bielefeld: transcript.
