Ergün Özgür
- Born 1966.
- 1983-1988: Bachelors in Public Administration (and Political Science), Middle East Technical
- University, Ankara, Turkey. Projects: Feminist Movement in Turkey; Authoritarian Regimes: Case of Argentina.
- Dec.1988 – Apr. 1998: Asst. Manager, Yapi ve Kredi Bankasi A.S., Istanbul-Turkey
- 1989- 1992: Master in Banking, Institute of Banking and Insurance, Marmara University, Istanbul. Thesis: Commodities Futures, Transactions and the Case of Turkey (Gelecek İşlem Borsaları, İşlemler ve Türkiye Örneği) (No. 20491)
- May.1998 – Dec.2003: Asst. Manager, Bnp Ak Dresdner Bank A.S., Istanbul-Turkey
- Jan. 2004 - Sept.2005: Freelance Trainer and Consultant, Istanbul- Turkey
- 2005-2007: Master in Global Politics and International Relations, Institute of Social Sciences, Bahçeşehir University, İstanbul. Project: NGOs in Abkhazia and their Contribution to the Democratization of the Country.
- 2007-2011: Ph.D. in Organizational Behaviour (Business Administration), Institute of Social
- Sciences, Marmara University, İstanbul. Thesis: The Intervening Role of Work Values Between the Personal Values and Work Engagement (Cross-cultural Research: Abkhazia - Turkey) (No. 317359).
- Nov. 2011- Sept. 2012: Freelance Trainer and Consultant, Istanbul- Turkey
- Sept.2012 - Jun. 2015: Asst. Professor, Cyprus International University, Nicosia-Cyprus
- Jul. 2015 - Sept. 2015: Freelance Trainer and Consultant, Istanbul- Turkey
- Oct. 2015 - Oct. 2016: Visiting Professor, Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain la Neuve- Belgium
- Nov. 2016 - Jul. 2017: Research Fellow, Käte Hamburger Kolleg, Bonn - Germany
- Aug. 2017 - Jul. 2020: Associate Research Fellow, Leibniz- Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin
- Since August 2020: Research Affiliate, Leibniz- Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin –Germany
- Aug 2020- Nov 2022: Einstein Guest Researcher- Department of Political and Social Sciences, International Communication at FU Berlin
- Dec 2022- March 2023: Academy in Exile, Bridge Fellow - Department of Political and Social Sciences, International Communication at FU Berlin
- Since April 2023: Guest Researcher- Department of Political and Social Sciences, International Communication at FU Berlin
August 2020: Syrian Circassian (Abaza - Adyge) Refugees in Istanbul (Turkey) and Repatriates in Sukhum (Abkhazia, a conflict region): Homemaking and Transnational Networks.
Webinar on "The Fourth Deportation of Abaza – Adyghe (Circassian-Tscherkessisch) Refugees from Syria: In Abkhazia & Turkey" [18 June 2021: 10.00-17.00]
2017-2020: The Impact of Multicultural Policy Implementations and Acculturation Strategies on the Adaptation of Muslim and non-Muslim Immigrants from Turkey. Cases: Belgium, France, Germany, Sweden and the UK.
2016-2017: Integration of Minorities from Turkey and the Multicultural Policy Implementations in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands.
2015-2016: Host country's Adaptation-Integration Policies and the Values of Muslim Immigrants.
- ICCP- International Association for Cross Cultural Psychology Congress
- GTOT- The Society of Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish Studies
- AkG - Assoziation für kritische Gesellschaftsforschung
- METU- Middle East Technical University, Alumni
Newspaper Articles
- 2023: Feminist Solidarity Group for Disaster and the PURPLE TRUCK: Our future Children [Afet için Feminist Dayanışma Grubu ve MOR TIR: Geleceğimiz çocuklar]. Jineps Gazetesi. March.
- 2022: Asida Shakryl: The independent Ombudsperson of the Republic of Abkhazia [Abhazya Cumhuriyeti Bağımsız Kamu Denetçisi, ‘Ombudsperson – Ombudsman’], Jineps Gazetesi, March.
- 2021: Bizim Cadılarımız: Geleneğin Gözden Geçirilmesi [Our witches: Reconsideration of the tradition]. Jineps Gazetesi, March.
- 2009: The North Caucasus, Histories, Diasporas and Current Challenges (Ed.). Ankara: Kaf-Dav (A publication of the S.S.R.C., New York, N.Y.
Journal Articles
- 2022: Challenges of Participation in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands: Christian – Assyrian and Muslim – Turk Immigrants. The International Journal of Migration Studies –Revista Internacional de Estudios Migratorios (RIEM), 12(1), 28-54. DOI:
- 2021: Individual Values and Acculturation Processes of Immigrant Groups from Turkey: Belgium, Germany, and the Netherlands. Journal of Identity and Migration Studies, 15(1), 69-97. 2021.
- 2019: With Köprülü, N. and Reuchamps, M. Drawing Cyprus: Power-sharing, identity and expectations among the next generation in Northern Cyprus. Mediterranean Politics, 24:2, 237-259, DOI: 10.1080/13629395.2017.1404720 (online publication:2017).
- 2016: WithMujahed, F. and Alrub, A. A. “Power Distance, Uncertainty Avoidance and Satisfaction: Evidence from Northern Cyprus Universities”. In K. S. Soliman (Ed.) Innovation Management and Education Excellence Vision 2020: From Regional Development Sustainability to Global Economic Growth, 3336-3349 (Proceedings of the 27th IBIMA Conference May 4-5, Milan).
- 2015: With Moyo, N.An Examination of Challenges and Opportunities behind Succession in Family Businesses in North Cyprus. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, 3(4), 1-28.
- 2015: With Saltson, E. Impact of Workforce Diversity on a Business Organization’s Non-financial Performance, with Moderation by Leadership Style and Perceived Organizational Support. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, 3(5), 160-179.
- 2015: With Moyo, Z., Dilmaç, J.A. A Dual Process Model Approach to Labor Authority Attitudes towards Homeworkers in the Zimbabwean Informal Economy: Attitude Scaling and Questionnaire Formation. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, 3(4),1-19.
- 2014: With Gürol, M.A. Core Factors Influencing the Perceptions of Adolescences in Higher Education Relating to the Impact of Technological Innovations on Human Interaction. Journal of Information Technology Applications & Management, 21(1), 69-84.
- 2012: Yaşa Göre Değer Farklılıkları ve Siyasi Kuşak Aidiyeti (Value Differences According to Age and Political Generation Belongingness). İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyoloji Dergisi, 26 (3), 45-76.
- 2012: Genişleyen Avrupa Birliği’nin Göçmen İkilemi ve Yaşlanan İşgücü (The Immigration Dilemma of Enlarging EU & Ageing Workforce). ÖNERİ: Marmara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 10(38), 73-85.
- 2008: Non-Governmental Organizations in -De Facto- Independent Abkhazia and the North Caucasus- 1999-2006. Journal of Academic Studies, 9 (35), 19-41.
- 2005: Abhazya Seçimlerinin Ardından (After the Elections in Abkhazia), Ğuaze (Rehber- Guide)–Kafkas Derneği İletişim Bülteni, 10-11.
Book chapters and Conference Proceedings
- 2022: "Critical scholars from Turkey: Challenges and opportunities in Germany” in Axyonova, Vera & Kohstall, Florian & Richter, Carola (eds). Academics in Exile. Networks, Knowledge Exchange and New Forms of Internationalization, 143-162. Bielefeld: transcript. ISBN: 978-3-8394-6089-4.
- 2021: "Asimilasyon – Ulus Ötesi Diaspora: Çerkes Gençlerinin Dil, Kültür ve Gelecek Öngörüleri [Assimilation – Transnational Diaspora: Language, Culture and Future Foresight of the Circassian Youth]", in M. C. Taymaz ve S. Alankuş Çerkeslerin 21. Yüzyılı : Kimlik, Anayurt ve Siyaset: [21st Century of the Circassians: Identity, Motherland and Politics], 255-279. Dipnot: Ankara.
- 2014: “Türkiye’deki Kuzey Kafkas Diaspora Kurumları ve Lobi Faaliyetleri (The North Caucasian Diaspora Organizations in Turkey and Their Lobbying Activities)”. In M. Hacısalihoğlu (Ed.) 1864 Kafkas Tehciri: Kafkasya’da Rus Kolonizasyonu, Savaş ve Sürgün (The Caucasian Exodus of 1964: Russian Colonization of Caucasia, War and Exodus, 549-590, Istanbul: Balkar & IRCICA. ISBN: 978-975-461-508-1.
- 2014: “Abhaz, Abaza, Çerkes ve Ermeni Etnik Grupları Değerler ve Kültürlenme (The Abkhaz, Abaza, Circassian and Armenian Ethnic Groups: Values and Acculturation)”. In S. Alankuş ve E. Oktay Arı (Eds.) Geçmişten Geleceğe Çerkesler: Kültür, Kimlik ve Siyaset (The Circassians from Past to Future: Culture, Identity and Politics), 379-400. Ankara: Kaf-Dav.
- 2014: With Gürol, M.A. “Core Factors Influencing the Perceptions of Adolescences in Higher Education Relating to the Impact of Technological Innovations on Human Interaction”. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on IT Applications & Management, Jan 8-12, 128-137. Taipei: ITAM.
- 2011: “The North Caucasian and Abkhazian Diasporas and Their Lobbying Activities. In Turkey”. In K. Vamling (Ed.) Caucasus Studies 4: Migration, Society and Language (Papers from the Conference on November 28-30, 2008), 80-87. Malmö: Malmö University.
- 2009: “NGOs in Abkhazia and Their Contribution to the Democratization of the Country”. In Ergün Özgür (Ed.) The North Caucasus, Histories, Diasporas and Current Challenges, 12-21. Ankara: Kaf-Dav (A publication of the S.S.R.C., New York, N.Y.).
Invited lectures and presentation
- 2019: “Increased Religiosity and Authoritarianism in Turkey (Case of Academics for Peace)”. Analysing 2019 Elections in Indonesia, India, Tunisia and Turkey Elections. Humbold University, Berlin: 19 April.
- 2018: “The Youth: Imaging and Building the Future of Abkhazia” Round table discussion. Organized by the Caucasian Center for Strategic Studies (Kafsam, Ankara) and the Center for Strategic Studies of the Republic of Abkhazia (Sukhum) (with Prof.Dr. G. Hewitt, Prof. Dr. E. Taymaz, Dr. D.Başol). Sukhum: 2 Nov.
- 2018: “Solidarity and Resistance in Turkish Academia, Freie Universitat Berlin”. Organized by Fachschaftsinitiative des Otto-Suhr-Instituts (FSI OSI) (with K. Ersoy and Z. Yılmaz) Berlin: 13 June.
- 2017: “Academia: With or Without Conscience? Workshop” - Barış için Akademisyenler/ Academics for Peace (BAK) (Panel), The Annual Media Studies Conference (GfM-Gesellschaft für Meidenwisselscahaft), FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, 4- 7 Oktober.
- 2017: “Rising Authoritarianism in Turkey and Repression against the Academics for Peace” – University of Bonn (Asta and Refugees Welcome Bonn e.V.), 27 June.
International Conference Presentations
- “Homemaking in Istanbul after the fourth displacement of Syrian Circassians: The facilitating role of the Circassian diaspora networks”, The Migration Conference, University Mohamed V de Rabat, Morocco, 08 Sept.2022.
- “Displaced Syrian Circassian Diaspora in Istanbul (Turkey) and Sukhum (Abkhazia): Transnational Solidarity”, 19th IMISCOE Annual Conference (Oslo) (online), 30 June 2022.
- "Turkey’s Critical Academics in Exile: The German Experience’. The EISA 14th EISAPEC21 Online Conference on `The Power Politics of Nature’. Book panel about `Internationalization, Researcher Mobility and Intellectual Exile: Shaping Institutions, Networks and Narratives beyond the Center-Periphery Divide". Online: 15 Sept. 2021.
- “Successful transitions (Plenary)”. SAR Global Conference on ‘Forum for Academic Freedom by the Alliance of Science Organisations in Germany: Supporting the Career Development of Researchers at Risk’. Berlin: 18-19 Marc 2019.
- “Participation of Alevi Immigrants from Turkey in Germany- Rediscovery of the Belief” on Migration Policy, Asylum and Authoritarian Populism Panel. AkG Assoziation Kritische Geselschaftsforsung- Critical Research Society Association Antidemokratische Konservative /Tatung (30.11.-2.12.2018). Hamburg: 1 Dec. 2018
- “Islam” in German Politics and Public Debates”. Islam ‘as an Epistemic Field: Imperial Entanglements and Orientalism in the German-Speaking World since 1870’ Conference (Panel Chair), ZMO. Berlin: 11-12 Oct. 2018.
- “The Adaption of Muslim and non-Muslim Immigrants from Turkey and Multicultural Policies in Europe (Cases: Belgium, Germany, and the Netherlands)”. Turkologentag -Third European Convention on Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish Studies. Bamberg: 20 Sept. 2018.
- “25th Year of Abkhazia and Prospects for the Future”. 25 Years of Abkhazia: An Assessment Conference. Organized by Caucasian Center for Strategic Studies (Kafsam) and the Center for Strategic Studies of the Republic of Abkhazia. Ankara: 24 Sept. 2018.
- “The Impact of Multicultural Policy Implementations and Acculturation Strategies on the Values of Muslim Immigrants from Turkey (Cases: Belgium, Germany, and the Netherlands)”. 5th WOCMES Conference. Seville: 16-20 July 2018.
- “Multicultural Policies in Europe and Adaptation of Immigrants (Muslim and non-Muslim) from Turkey”. The 24th Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP 2018). Guelph- Canada: 1-5 July 2018.
- “The Turkey Originated Immigrants in Europe (Alevite-Assyrians) - Avrupa’daki Türkiye Kökenli Göçmenler (Alevi ve Süryani)”. BAK- (Academics for Peace) Germany, Solidarity Academy Seminars. Berlin: 25 May 2018
- “Immigrants from Turkey and their integration in Europe- Cases from Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands, Migration”. Borders and Urban Space, Leibniz-Institute for Research on Society and Space, Berlin: 2 June 2017.
- “Empathize with Occupy Gezi: Servant - Looter Hand in Hand”. International Journal of Arts and Sciences Conference. Malta: 1-5 May 2015.
- “The Impact of Exodus and “Genocide” Agenda on the Relationship between Homeland(s) –Diaspora”. Sochi 2014: (Geo) Political, Economic and Social Dynamics International Conference, ULB- CEVIPOL. Belgium: 20-21 February 2014.
- “150th Anniversary of the Circassian Exodus: Challenges and Opportunities”. World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES), METU. Ankara: 18-22 August 2014.
- “Acculturation or Multiculturalism: Individual and Work Values of the Abkhazian-Abazinian, Circassian and Armenian Ethnic Groups (Abkhazia - Turkey)”. 21st International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP), University of Stellenbosch. Cape Town: 17-21 July 2012.
- “The Intervening Role of Work Values between the Personal Values and Work Engagement (Cross-cultural Research: Abkhazia-Turkey)”. 17. Psikoloji Kongresi (17th Congress of Psychology), Türk Psikologlar Derneği (Association of Turkish Psychologists). Istanbul: April, p.13. 2012.
- “Cross-Cultural Examination of Knowledge Sharing and Communication Effectiveness on Trust and Affective Commitment”. 20th International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, p.84 (with Uslu, T., Rodoplu Ş. D., Çam, M.). Istanbul: June 30 - July 3 2011
- “Communicational, Techno-political and Regional Differences on Organizational Context: the Effect of Knowledge Sharing and Communication Effectiveness on Trust and Affective Commitment”. 12th European Congress of Psychology, p.734 (with Uslu, T., Rodoplu Ş. D., Çam, M.). Istanbul: July 4-8 2011.
- “Regional Differences of Positive Organizational Behaviour and Psychological Ownership”. 20th International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, p.60 (with Uslu, T., Rodoplu Ş. D., Gündoğdu Ş. N.). Istanbul: June 30-July 3 2011.
- “Cross-Cultural and Demographical Examination of Positive Organizational Behavior and the Mediating Effect of Positive Psychology at Work and Organization”. 12th European Congress of Psychology. (with Uslu, T., Rodoplu Ş., D., Gündoğdu, Ş. N.). Istanbul: July 4-8, p.714
- “The Circassian and Abkhaz-Abazinian Diaspora Organizations in Turkey”. The World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES) Conference, Barcelona University, p.112. Barcelona: July 19-24 2010.
- “The Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS) Regional Conference”, METU- KORA. Available at (Retrieved on Mar. 2016). Ankara: July 29-30 2010.
- “NGOs in Abkhazia and their Contribution to Democratization of the Country”. The European Society for Central Asian Studies (ESCAS) - KORA (METU). Available at (Retrieved on Jan. 2016). Ankara: September 12-15 2007.
- “Diaspora and the Historical Motherland. Abkhazia in the Context of the Contemporary International Relations Conference, University of California, Irvin. Available at (Retrieved on Jan. 2015). Abkhazia-Sukhum: June 28-July 1 2004.
Conference and Workshop Participations
- 2022: AiS Network Meeting & Retreat Days, WanseeForum, Berlin, 08.-10. June 2022
- 2022: Leibniz Alumni Network Kick-Off Event: Research, Industry and Government, Berlin, 2 Sept.2022.
- 2020: “AvH-PSI Forum”, Berlin, 9-10 March.
- 2019: “Academics in Solidarity Network Conference ‘Regaining Lost Knowledge – Connecting Research at Home and in Exile”, Frei University, Berlin: 21-22 Nov.
- 2019: “Academics in Solidarity Workshop ‘Opening Doors: Peer-Mentoring and Collaborative Research’”. Frei University: Berlin, 4-6 July.
- 2018: “Off University -Alternative Methods of Online Learning workshop”. Bard College, Berlin: 24-25 Nov.
- 2018: “Cooperation Meeting with Mentors -German Academia”. BAK Germany Solidarity Academy Meeting, Berlin: 13 Oct.
- 2018: “ZMO- Fellows Retreat Days”. Berlin-Brandenburg: 12-14 Sept.
- 2018: “ERC Project Workshop”. Leibniz Association EU Office, Berlin: 5 June.
- 2018: “Off-University - follow up ‘Workshop’ after ‘Thought Questions about Peace’”, Kassel: 2-4 Mar.
- 2018: “The University and Future of Democracy”. SAR Global Conference. Berlin: 23-26 Apr.
- 2017: “Symposium on Kinder Anatolians, Universität Duisburg-Essen“. Fakultät für Geistewissenschaften, Essen: 15 Dec.
- 2017: “Thought Questions about Peace”. Off-University Conference. Berlin: 7 Oct.
- 2017: “Integration into Science and Industry”. PSI- Humboldt Foundation and Bremen University, Bremen: 9-10 Nov
Workshop and Panel Organizations
- 2022: Panel on “Syrian and Afghan Refugees in Turkey and Abkhazia: Displacement, Repatriation, Transnational Solidarity vs Discrimination, Hate speech” at the 19th IMISCOE Annual Conference: Migration and Time: Temporalities of Mobility, Governance, and Resistance. 30 June.
- 2021: The Fourth Deportation of Abaza – Adyghe (Circassian-Tscherkessisch) Refugees from Syria in Abkhazia & Turkey (with participants from France, Germany, Turkey and Jordan). Institute for Media and Communication Studies, FU-Berlin. Online Webinar, 18 June (funded by AIS and Einstein Foundation).
- 2019: Exploring Opportunities to Strengthen Academic and Civil Society Cooperation in the South Caucasus (with S. Relitz; participants from Abkhazia, Georgia and Germany). FSU- Jena: 6-8 September (funded by AIS, ZMO)
- 2018: BAK-OFF Project Workshop (32 academic participants from ten cities of Belgium, Germany, France, Turkey), (with Dr. S. Kirmse ), ZMO. Berlin: Dec 8-9 (Funded by ZMO)
- 2018: Off University Project Workshop (with Dr. J. Strutz, B. Bayraktar), Bielefeld: June 8-10.
- 2009: The Independence of Abkhazia and Prospects for the Caucasus Conference (with the Friends of Abkhazia). Bilgi University-Istanbul: May 30-31.
- 2007: The North Caucasus, Histories, Diasporas and Current Challenges Conference (with the Circassianacademia, Dr. S. Shami, Dr. C. Jade), CSS- Sukhum. Abkhazia: October 30-31.