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Global Media Journal

The Global Media Journal is an open-access academic refereed publication in various national or regional editions around the globe. GMJ-German Edition is affiliated with the Freie University Berlin/Germany and the University of Erfurt/Germany and hosted by Carola Richter and Christine Horz.

GMJ-DE is published semi-annually (spring and fall) and bilingually (English and German). It is dedicated to research in the fields of communication and media studies, with the  ambition to present communication and media theories, report empirical and analytical research, present critical discourses, apply theories to case studies, and set out innovative research methodologies. It aims to advance research and understanding of international and cross-cultural communication and media in the German-spoken countries (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) and around the globe such as research on Media Systems, Journalism, Migration & Diaspora, Development Communication and other fields of communication and media studies.

Manuscripts are welcome! Please consider our Styleguide.

The GMJ-DE contains four sections:

– academic articles (peer-reviewed)
– reports of media praxis and scientific field work
– graduate papers
– book reviews

The current issue Vol. 10, No. 2 contains the following articles:

Peer-Reviewed Articles

Ehab Galal & Zenia Yonus
Between Sect and Secularism: The Mediated Ambiguities of the Syrian Nation State (article in English)
Abstract | PDF-Fulltext


Cherian George
What Global Censorship Studies Tell us About Hong Kong’s Media Future (article in English)
Abstract  | PDF-Fulltext

From the Field

Kefa Hamidi & Alessandra Brüchner
Reforming Journalism Education on a Tertiary Level in Afghanistan: Recommendations for a Dual Education Model (article in English)
Abstract  | PDF-Fulltext

Irit Neidhardt
Cairo-Berlin Return: Early Arab-German Cooperation in Film – The Egyptian-German Example (article in English)
Abstract  | PDF-Fulltext

Graduate Section

Christina Haritos
(Post-)Koloniale Erinnerungen in der Presse: Der Völkermord in Deutsch-Südwestafrika in deutschen und namibischen Zeitungen (article in German)
Abstract  | PDF-Fulltext

Book Reviews

Florian Meissner
Anne Grüne/Kai Hafez/Subekti Priyadharma/Sabrina Schmidt (Eds.) (2019): Media and Transformation in Germany and Indonesia. Asymmetrical Comparisons and Perspectives  (review in English)
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Anna Litvinenko
Agnes Gulyas & David Baines (Eds.) (2020): The Routledge Companion to Local Media and Journalism (review in English)
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Christine Crone
Philipp Budka & Birgit Bräuchler (Eds.) (2020): Theorising Media and Conflict (review in English)
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