Book Series "Media and Political Communication - Middle East and Islam"
In co-operation with Prof. Dr. Kai Hafez (University of Erfurt), Carola Richter edits the book series "Media and Political Communication - Middle East and Islam". The published books contain empirical studies in the intersections of communication studies, political sciences and area studies of Middle East and Islam. The books are published by Frank & Timme at are available here. Very good PhD theses and excellent Master studies which tackle relevant topics related to the series themes can be sent to the editors. You will receive detailled feedback from us and - after accepting your thesis for publishing - support to revise your manuscript. Please contact: Carola Richter
Publications in English:
Book Series "Media and Political Communication - Middle East and Islam"
Volume 25 Margret Müller: The World According To Israeli Newspapers
Volume 22 Douglas Reynolds: Turkey, Greece, and the “Borders” of Europe. Images of Nations in the West German Press 1950–1975. (2012)
Volume 19 Katharina Nötzold: Defining the Nation? Lebanese Television and Political Elites, 1990–2005. (2009)
Volume 15 Muhammad I. Ayish: The New Arab Public Sphere. (2008)
Volumes 1–10 have been published from 2000-2005 by the German Orient-Institut in Hamburg
Volume 7 Kai Hafez (ed.): Media Ethics in the Dialogue of Cultures. ISBN 3-89173-084-8
Volume 6 Muhammad I. Ayish: Arab World Television in the Age of Globalisation. ISBN 3-89173-071-8
Volume 5 Yorck von Korff: Missing the Wave. Egyptian Journalists and Democratization in the 1990s. ISBN 3-89173-072-8
Other Book Series "International and intercultural Communication"
Volume 8 Nadja-Christina Schneider/Bettina Gräf (eds.): Social Dynamics 2.0: Researching Change in Times of Media Convergence. Case Studies from the Middle East and Asia. (2011)