Johanna zum Felde M.A.

PhD Candidate
Johanna Martje zum Felde (born 1986) started in October 2017 as a Research and Teaching Associate at the department of International Communication. She teaches at the intersection of digitisation, government communication and the public sphere as well as the political and economical context conditions. In her PhD research these topics interest her particularly in relation to France. She has studied Applied Culture Science with Majors in Language & Communication and Business Administration as well as Minors in Media & Public Relations and Economy & Law (M.A. 2013). She spent time abroad during an Erasmus study exchange at the University of Central Lancashire in Great Britain (B.A. International Business Communication 2009) and during other internships and work employments (among others Oxfam in Peking, World Bank Institute in Washington DC, Goethe-Centre in Namibia). After that she managt deliveries of organic fruit to offices with BIOBOB in Hamburg, researched on a freelance and voluntary basis, was politically engaged (2013-2015) and advocated the use of open data with the Open Knowledge Foundation in Berlin (2015-2017).
In her PhD research she looks at the state of democracy in Frances public sphere during the Grand Débat National, a national consultation of great mesure that was started by the French government as a reaction to nationwide protests of the yellowvests movement in early 2019.
Veröffentlichungen und Arbeitspapiere
- 2012 (mit Samantha Custer): Beneficiary Feedback Interviews and Snapshots. In: Björn-Sören Gigler, Savita Bailur (Hrsg.) Closing the Feedback Loop. Can Technology Bridge the Accountability Gap? World Bank Institute, Innovation Practice, Washington, DC.
- 2015 (mit Christian Heise, Stefan Heumann und Julia Manske): Offene Daten ohne Deutschland. Der G7-Gipfel und der steinige Weg zu mehr Transparenz. Stiftung neue Verantwortung e. V. (Hrsg.), Berlin.
- 2016 (mit Caro Glandorf, Tobias Knobloch, Julia Manske und Ole Wintermann): Deutschland und die Open Government Partnership: Chance auf einen Wandel der politischen Kultur und den Erhalt der offenen Gesellschaft. Stiftung Mitarbeit (Hrsg.), Bonn.
- 2016 (mit Bella Seeger und Anna Alberts): How to make Participatory Budgeting Tutorials - an Inventory. (Hrsg.), Berlin.
- 2014: Beyond Fiction: How Political Television Series Reproduce the Public’s Pessimistic Perception of Politics, ISA Annual Convention New Orleans.
In der Presse
- 2015: “Der politische Wille fehlt”. In: Frankfurter Rundschau, 05.10.2015.
Blogartikel (Auswahl)
- 2016: Germany Joins the OGP with Government and Civil Society on Board. Open Government Partnership (Hrsg.), Washington, DC.
- 2016 (mit Arne Semsrott und Walter Palmetshofer): „Rohstoff der Zukunft“: Was bringt das Open-Data-Gesetz?. Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland e.V. (Hrsg.), Berlin.