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Kürzlich erschienen: Hansjörg Dilger "Learning Morality, Inequalities, and Faith: Christian and Muslim Schools in Tanzania"; Ahmet K. Gültekin: "The Ethno-Cultural Others of Turkey – Contemporary Reflections"

News from Dec 16, 2021

Die folgenden Monographien und Sammelbände von Mitarbeiter*innen unseres Instituts sind 2021 erschienen

Dilger, Hansjörg
Learning Morality, Inequalities, and Faith: Christian and Muslim Schools in Tanzania. Cambridge University Press & International African Institute, 2021 (The International African Library). ISBN: 9781009082808. -
URL: https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/learning-morality-inequalities-and-faith/16257CE0CC490625108DB9875B40803A

Gültekin, Ahmet Kerim; Süvari, Çakır Ceyhan (Hrsg.)
The Ethno-Cultural Others of Turkey – Contemporary Reflections: Collective monograph on ethnic and religious minorities of modern Turkey. - Yerevan: Russian-Armenian University Press, 2021. - XII + 271 pp (RAU YEREVAN ORIENTAL SERIES, Vol 5); ISBN: 978-9939-67-263-2. -
Free Download here: https://orient.rau.am/uploads/institute/pdf/files/THE%20ETHNO-CULTURAL%20OTHERS%20OF%20TURKEY%20(2)YDLyp2sIjT1C3Pp1625408802.pdf

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Berlin Southern Theory Lecture