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Main Offices

Main Offices of the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology:
Secretariat, Office for Student Assistants, Academic Programms Coordination, Library


Student Assistants

Landoltweg 9-11, 14195 Berlin, R. 015; Tel +49 (0)30 838 56725;
Email: shk-sozkultanth@polsoz.fu-berlin.de

Support for scientific staff and guest lecturers by prepararing courses can be provided by:
Email: m.kravanja@fu-berlin.de

Coordination of Academic Programms at the Institute of SKA: Studien- und Erasmusberatung

Address: Landoltweg 9-11, Raum 109

Office hours:see Studienkoordinationsbüro


The ethnology book inventory is integrated in the social science library of the Department of Politics and Social Sciences.

Address: Garystr. 55, 141915 Berlin
Office hours and contact: Homepage der Bibliothek für Sozialwissenschaftlichen und Osteuropastudien /

Berlin Southern Theory Lecture