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Externally Funded Projects

This site gives an overview about externally funded projects by the Institute of Social- and Cultural Anthropology.

The Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology at Freie Universität Berlin conducts diverse externally funded research projects supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG), the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the European Research Council (ERC), and the Volkswagen Foundation. These projects address topics such as olfactory affiliations in urban spaces, decolonial engagements with cultural artifacts, and the role of Chinese medicine in international diplomacy. The institute has also completed a wide range of past research initiatives, including studies on embodied emotions, affective belonging in migration contexts, and medical anthropological investigations into the global circulation of healing practices and their socio-cultural implications.

In the following you can explore current and past research projects by clicking on the links below (only in German).

Current Projects are here

Past Projects are here

Berlin Southern Theory Lecture