Dr. Marcos Freire de Andrade Neves

Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Research Associate (Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger), Teaching and Research in the Research Area Medical Anthropology | Global Health
Teaching and Research in the Research Area Medical Anthropolgy I Global Health
Office hours
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Marcos Andrade Neves is postdoctoral researcher and lecturer at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology at Freie Universität Berlin, where he is associated with the Research Area Medical Anthropolgy | Global Health. He researches the transnational circulation of people, pharmaceuticals, technologies, and documents in the context of bio- and necropolitical practices, in particular assisted dying and death penalty.
Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany Lecturer and Researcher, Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology |
11/2020 – Present |
Freie Universität Berlin & University of Edinburgh, Berlin, Germany DAAD PRIME Fellow, Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology |
04/2022 – 09/2023 |
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil PhD, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social Bi-nationally Supervised Doctoral Degree (Freie Universität Berlin) Dissertation: Lawful Life: Itineraries of Care and Life in a Landscape of Assisted Suicide Advisor: Prof. Dr. Arlei Sander Damo (1st) & Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger (2nd) with honours |
2019 |
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil M.A., Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social Thesis: Por Onde Vivem of Mortos: O Processo de Fabricação da Morte e da Pessoa Morta no Segmento Funerário de Porto Alegre Advisor: Prof. Dr. Arlei Sander Damo with honours |
2014 |
From Life-Saving to Death-Inducing: The Social Life of Sodium Pentobarbital, held as part of the Institutskolloquium, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany, May 9, 2023.
Not Dead Yet: The Politics of Life Near (Assisted) Death, held as part of the Ethno-Colloquium, Universität Zürich, Switzerland, May 2, 2023.
The Afterlives of Pandemic Isolation: Death and Dying in Contexts of Social Distancing, held as part of the international conference Dying Alone and Its Afterlives in Contact-less Sociality at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin, Germany, April 19, 2023.
Mobilizing Death: Navigating Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia Across European Setting, co-presentation with Dr. Natashe Lemos Dekker, held as part of the Medical Anthropology Europe Seminar Series (virtual), March 23, 2022.
O Corpo Entre Temporalidades de Vida e Morte, held as part of the 14. Deutscher Lusitanistentag, University of Leipzig, Germany, September 16, 2021.
Matter of Imaginaries: The Pharmaceuticalization of Good and Bad Deaths, held as part of the Berlin Anthropology Seminars (virtual), May 19, 2021.
Not Dead Yet: Ethnography in between life and death, Duke Kunshan University, Kunshan, China (virtual), October 12, 2021.
Prêmio PPGAS-UFRGS de Teses e Dissertações, PPGAS-UFRGS [MA Thesis] | 2015 |
Finalist Prêmio Pierre Verger, ABA [Visual ethnography award given by the Brazilian Anthropological Association] | 2012 |
Prêmio SESC de Fotografia Marc Ferrez [Photography] | 2010 |
Prêmio Off-FLIP de Literatura [Literature] | 2010 |
- Research Ethics (2023)
- Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (2023, 2019/2020)
- Face Politics (2022)
- Medical Anthropology (2022, 2021/2, 2021/1, 2020, 2019)
- Visual and Media Anthropology (2021)
- Anthropology of Religion (2021)
- Doing Anthropology on the Move (2020)
- Ethnographic Methods (2020)
- Anthropology in Between Life and Death (2019/2020)
- Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (2019/2020)
- Assisted Suicide at the Crossroads of Care, Medicine, and Law (2018/2019)
Journal Articles (peer-reviewed)
Andrade Neves, M. (2022). Afterlife Reverberations: Practices of Un/naming in Ethnographic Research on Assisted Suicide. Curare, Journal of Medical Anthropology 45, 17-27.
Andrade Neves, M. (2021). Radically Good. Reformulating Healing and Care Practices in Times of Crisis. Curare, Journal of Medical Anthropology 44: 187-196.(with Giorgio Brocco).
Andrade Neves, M. (2021). Living the Death of Others: The disruption of death in the Covid-19 pandemic. Horizontes Antropológicos 59: 91-108.
Andrade Neves, M. (2020). Protecting Life, Facilitating Death: The bureaucratic experience of organized suicide assistance. Medicine Anthropology Theory 7 (1): 158-166.
Andrade Neves, M. (2019). States of Uncertainty: Plural laws and affective governance in the context of assisted suicide in Germany. The Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law: 1-13.
Andrade Neves, M. (2016). Dinheiro, Emoção e Agência: Uma etnografia no mercado funerário de Porto Alegre. Revista Mana 22: 7-36. (with Arlei Damo).
Andrade Neves, M. (2016). Entre pessoa, Corpo e Coisa: A vida social de cadáveres em laboratórios de anatomia. Revista Antropolítica 40: 206-229.
Andrade Neves, M. (2015). O Culto Ecúmeno-científico: Análise do Culto Ecumênico em Homenagem aos Doadores de Corpos. Debates do NER 17: 407-426.
Andrade Neves, M. (2014). A Percepção Sobre os Usos de Psicofármacos na Índia: Pensando Eating Drugs, de Ecks. CAMPOS 15 (1): 119-128.
Andrade Neves, M. (2014). Estética do Acaso: Um estudo antropológico sobre a dinâmica estética e econômica na Vila Chocolatão. Cadernos IHU: 1-58.
Andrade Neves, M. (2013). Um Documentário Revisitado: 555 Chocolatão. Revista Iluminuras: 177-187.
Andrade Neves, M. (2012). Dorotheen, um Cemitério: Os ritos de destituição pensados em Berlim. Habitus 10 (1): 73-82.
Andrade Neves, M. (2011). O Gosto Popular e a Estética do Acaso. Revista Todavia 2 (2): 56-70.
Andrade Neves, M. (2017). Por Onde Vivem os Mortos: O processo de fabricação da morte e da pessoa morta no complexo funerário de Porto Alegre. Porto Alegre, UFRGS University Press.
Book Chapters
Andrade Neves, M. (Forthcoming). Luz Verde para Morrer: Corpos, temporalidades e a dinâmica de acesso à morte assistida organizada. In: O corpo-cronômetro: as temporalidades do corpo nas literaturas lusófonas, edited by Jasmin Wrobel and Janek Scholz.
Andrade Neves, M. (2021). Chronic Living in Zombieland: Care in Between Survival and Death. In: Managing chronicity in unequal States: Ethnographic perspectives on caring, edited by Laura Montesi and Melania Calestani. London: UCL Press.
Andrade Neves, M. (2019). Dealing with Illness and Dying. In: Affective Dimensions of Fieldwork and Ethnography, edited by Thomas Stodulka, Samia Dinkelaker, and Ferdiansyah Thajib. New York: Springer. (with Tereza Baltag)
Blog Posts
Andrade Neves, M. (2022). Radically Good. Reformulating Healing and Care Practices in Times of Crisis. Medizinethnologie: Körper, Gesundheit und Heilung in einer Globalisierten Welt.
https://www.medizinethnologie.net/radically-good-reformulating-healing-and-care-practices-in-times-of-crisis/ (with Giorgio Brocco)
Andrade Neves, M. (2016). Living Within Assisted Suicide: Drawing a Landscape and its Transnational Movements. Medizinethnologie: Körper, Gesundheit und Heilung in einer Globalisierten Welt. https://www.medizinethnologie.net/living-within-assisted-suicide/
Torotama: Quando os mortos não têm vez (2014)
A Literatura Vista Daqui - Porto Alegre/Berlin (2014)
A Literatura Vista Daqui - Glasgow/Berlin (2013)
555 Chocolatão (2012)