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Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger

Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger

Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology

Professor of Social and Cultural Anthropology; Director of the Collaborative Research Centre 1171 "Affective Societies"; Deputy Head of the Institute of SCA; Head of the Research Area Medical Anthropology I Global Health

Mailing address: Landoltweg 9-11 Office address: Thielallee 52
Room 008
14195 Berlin
+49 (0)30 838 52382

Office hours

Prof. Dilger's consultation hours during the lecture-free period will take place on March 13 between 2 and 5 pm.

Appointments can be arranged via Tom Lagodny (email: tom.lagodny@fu-berlin.de). Please include your full name, email address, telephone number, a brief description of your enquiry as well as the information if you need 15 or 30 minutes for the appointment.

Research and Teaching Interests

  • Religious Diversity (esp. Pentecostalism and Islam; Christian-Muslim Co-Existence)
  • Critical Medical Anthropology (esp. Globalization of Health and Medicine; Epidemics)
  • Ethnographic Collections in the Context of Decolonial Debates
  • Anthropology of Ethics and Morality and the "Good Life"
  • Public / Collaborative Anthropology
  • Research Ethics and Data Management


  • Eastern and Southern Africa (Tanzania, South Africa)
  • Contexts of Migration and Flight; Transnational Settings

Academic Positions

  • June 2019 - June 2021
    Vice Dean for Research at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, Freie Universität Berlin
  • Since 2013
    Professor of Social and Cultural Anthropology at Freie Universität Berlin
  • 2010
    Second Appointment as Junior Professor (Following Positive Evaluation through External Reviewers and the Faculty Council of the Department of Political and Social Sciences)
  • 2007 - 2013
    Junior Professor for Religious Diversity in Transnational Contexts, Freie Universität Berlin, Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology
  • 2002 - 2005
    Lecturer and Part-time lecturer, FU Berlin, Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology
  • 1999 - 2002
    Research Associate in the Project "Living with HIV/AIDS in Tanzania", funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) (PI: Prof. U. Luig), FU Berlin, Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology



Dr.phil. in Social Anthropology, Freie Universität Berlin. Thesis: “The Power of AIDS. Kinship, Belonging and the Morality of Illness and Death in the Context of Rural-Urban Migration in Tanzania”


Magister Studies in Social Anthropology, Freie Universität Berlin. Minor subjects: African Studies and English Studies (both Humboldt Universität Berlin)


Kiswahili Studies on Zanzibar, Institute for Kiswahili and Foreign Languages (Taasisi ya Kiswahili na Lugha za Kigeni)

Other Academic Activities

Honors and Grants

  • 2021 Center for German Studies, European Forum at the Hebrew University: Grant for International Workshop "Quests for Healing at State Margins: Migration, Minorities and Health Entanglements in Israel and Germany" (Tel Aviv: April 5-8, 2022) (With Ben Kasstan, Bristol; Lea Taragin-Zeller, HUJI; Nurit Stadler, HUJI; Claudia Liebelt, FU Berlin)
  • 2017 Co-Recipient of the Margherita-von-Brentano award for the research collective “Female Refugees in Berlin” (together with Kristina Dohrn, students from the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology at Freie Universität Berlin, and the activist group International Women Space)
  • 2011-15 Research Partner of the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity (Göttingen), Division "Medical Diversity"
  • 2010-13 Senior Fellow of the Bayreuth International Graduate School of African Studies (BIGSAS)

  • 2010 Grant of the German Research Foundation (DFG) for international workshop "Urban Health in sub-Saharan Africa" (Point Sud, Bamako: January 12-15, 2010) (With Dr. Viola Hörbst, Centre for African Studies, Lisbon Universitarian Institute)

  • 2009 Grant of the Volkswagen Foundation for international symposium on "Prolonging Life, Challenging Religion? ARVs, New Moralities and the Politics of Social Justice" (Lusaka, April 15-17, 2009). (With Rijk van Dijk, African Studies Centre Leiden; Marian Burchardt, Universität Leipzig; Thera Rasing, University of Zambia). More Info...

  • 2007 Senior Researcher, Summer School "Entangled Medical Fields: Transformation of Meaning, Knowledge and Practice"; Libreville, Gabon: July 17-26. Organized by: Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Africa, Frankfurt (ZIAF), Point Sud, Université de Nantes, Université Omar Bongo; funded by Volkswagen Foundation.

  • 2007 Selected participant at the Sixth Berlin Roundtables on Transnationality, topic: "Population Politics, Migration and Human Rights". Organized by the Irmgard Coninx Foundation in collaboration with Wissenschaftszentrum. Berlin (WZB): February 14-20

  • 2006 University of Florida, International Center und Office for Research: Conference grant for workshop "Transnational Medicines, Mobile Experts: Rethinking Medicine in and beyond Africa".

  • 2005 German Research Foundation (DFG), Grant for Post-Doc Research Project on "Masculinities and AIDS in Cape Town, South Africa". (Declined because of acceptance of position at the University of Florida)

  • 2005 Conference Grant by the Volkswagen Foundation and the FU Berlin for International Symposium "AIDS and the Moral Order". (With U. Luig)

  • 2004 Geschwister Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation, Book Publication Grant

  • 2004 Research Commission of the FU Berlin, Grant for exploratory work for research project "Masculinities and AIDS in Cape Town, South Africa"

  • 1999 Heinrich Böll Foundation, Scholarship for Ph.D. Studies (6 months), followed by funding through DFG

  • 1993 German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Scholarship for Kiswahili Studies on Zanzibar, Taasisi ya Kiswahili na Lugha za Kigeni

Professional Memberships and Advisory Board Positions

  • 2019- Member of the Advisory Board of Qualiservice Bremen (National Centre for the Sharing of Qualitative Data from the Social Sciences)
  • 2015-19 President of the German Anthropological Association (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie)
  • 2014 Member of the Advisory Board of the Lancet Commission on “Culture and Health” (led by Prof. David Napier, University College London
  • 2007- Steering Committee Member of the International Research Network on Religion, AIDS and Social Transformation in Africa (RASTA)
  • 2006- Founding member of the EASA Network Medical Anthropology

  • 2005- African Studies Association (ASA) and Tanzania Studies Association

  • 2004-10 Chairperson of the Work Group Medical Anthropology, subsection of the German Anthropological Association (DGV e.V.)

  • 2004-06 Appointed member of a “Steering committee for the foundation of a network of Medical Anthropologists within the European Association for Social Anthropologists (EASA)”

  • 2004- African Studies Association in Germany (VAD e.V.)

  • 2002- European Association for Social Anthropologists (EASA)

  • 2001-04 Vice Chair of the Work Group Medical Anthropology, subsection of the German Anthropological Association (DGV e.V.)

  • 1999- German Anthropological Association (DGV e.V.)

  • 1998- AIDS and Anthropology Research Group, subsection of the American Anthropological Association

  • 1998- Founding member of the Work Group Medical Anthropology, subsection of the German Anthropological Association (DGV e.V)


Host of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Award Holders and Fellowships

  • 2016-18: Dr. Basile Ndjio, University of Douala, Cameroon "Traditional Chinese medicine and transnational healing processes in Cameroon" (Postdoc fellowship)
  • 2015-16: Prof. Jacob Olupona, Department of African and African American Studies & Harvard Divinity School, Harvard University (Reimar Lüst Award)
  • 2011-13: Dr. Małgorzata Rajtar "Refusal of Blood Transfusions: Religious Identity and Modern Medical Authority" (Postdoc fellowship)

Research Profil

My research is concerned with how people both negotiate and actively establish notions and practices of a "good life" in times of social, economic, and political transformation. Building on diverse theoretical approaches from social and cultural anthropology - critical medical anthropology, anthropology of religion, anthropology of ethics and morality, political anthropology, anthropology of affect and emotion - I assume that dynamics of moral and political (re)orientation are not only shaped by specific social and material environments, but that they co-constitute these environments in significant ways. The processes of subjectification and (re)negotiation of social relations that accompany such dynamics point to the multilayered conflicts and ruptures that are involved in the social differentiation of lifeworlds in the context of urbanization, mediatization, and global connectivity. They also draw attention to the emerging relations and aspirations that are being formed in the struggle for possible modes of human co-existence against the backdrop of postcolonial inequalities and dependencies.

Ethnographically, I have addressed these overarching themes in two monographs - on the (re)negotiation of social and family relations in the context of HIV/AIDS and rural-urban migration in Tanzania, and on the micro-politics of moral becoming in Christian and Muslim schools in the segregated education market of Dar es Salaam. Currently, I am preparing a third monograph dealing with the epistemic repositioning of 'powerful objects' in ethnographic collections in Berlin in the context of (post-)colonial violence and power relations.

Furthermore, I have elaborated these overarching concerns in numerous other publications as well as in a number of research grants (see below) - often in cooperation with post/doctoral fellows and other colleagues from Germany and beyond. A particular focus of my research is the reflection on practices and conditions of knowledge production itself, which concerns me both with regard to the ethical responsibility of social and cultural anthropological (or social scientific) work and its institutionalization as well as with regard to new possibilities and formats of public and collaborative anthropology. In this latter framework, I also situate my engagement in the Kollektiv Polylog, a collaboration of students and teachers of the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology and refugee women from Syria, Iran, Iraq and Azerbaijan: The central concern of the collective is to publicly communicate the experiences and concerns of refugee women - and other people with refugee experience - and on this basis to advocate for the improvement of the living situations of refugee people and the structural conditions of their lives in Germany.

Research grants

July 2024-June 2026

"PrEPped Intimacies from Berlin: Pharmaceutical HIV-Prophylaxis and Biopolitical Hopes in Transnational Colombia” (German Research Foundation, DFG; PI: H. Dilger, Research Associate: Max Schnepf; Extension of "PrEPped Intimacies in Berlin")

September 2023-August 2025

"Taiwan’s Precarious Partnerships: Chinese Medicine as a Form of Public and Everyday Diplomacy in South-South Cooperation" (German Research Foundation, DFG; PI: H. Dilger, Research Associate: Karoline Buchner).

Juli 2023-Juni 2027

"Affective Engagements: Activist Mobilizations in Decolonial Debates on Cultural Goods and Social Transformation between Tanzania and Germany" (Project D01 in the Collaborative Research Centre 1171 "Affective Societies: Dynamics of Co-Existence in Mobile Worlds"; PI: H. Dilger, Research Associate: Kristina Mashimi). More...

Juli 2023-Juni 2027

"Contested Knowledge: Perspectives and Challenges of Interdisciplinary Affect and Emotion Research” (Reflection Project in the Collaborative Research Centre 1171 "Affective Societies: Dynamics of Co-Existence in Mobile Worlds"; with Anne Fleig; Paola Ivanov; Christian von Scheve and Jan Slaby; Research Associates: Elgen Sauerborn, Fabian Bernhardt). More...

July 2022-June 2026

"Mobility Regimes of Pandemic Preparedness and Response (MoRePPaR): The Case of Covid-19" (in Collaboration with Pole Institute Goma, University of the Witwatersrand, Yonsei University as well as Robert Koch-Institute and Bernard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine; PI at FU Berlin: H. Dilger, Research Associate: Ursula Probst) (Funded by: VolkswagenStiftung, Funding Initiative "Mobility - Global Medicine and Health Research"). More...

April 2022-March 2024

"PrEPped Intimacies in Berlin: Affective Ambivalences and Embodied Subjects in Biomedical HIV-Prevention" (funded by DFG; PI: H. Dilger, Research Associate: Max Schnepf). More...

January 2022-December 2024

Scientific Network "Public Anthropology: Knowledge Practices and Societal Interventions of the Anthropological Disciplines" (together with Gisela Welz, Goethe Universität Frankfurt; Funded by: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG). More...

July 2019-June 2023

"Governing Religious Diversity in Berlin: Affective Dynamics of In- and Exclusion in Urban Space" (Project C03 within the Collaborative Research Centre SFB 1171 "Affective Societies: Dynamics of Social Coexistence in Mobile Worlds"; PI: H. Dilger, Research Associates: Omar Kasmani, Dominik Mattes). More...


"Alternative Gesundheitsvorstellungen und -praktiken in der deutschen Therapielandschaft" (funded by Robert Bosch Foundation; PI: Hansjörg Dilger, Researcher: Max Schnepf)

March 2017-February 2020

"Religious Reform, Faith-Based Development and the Public Sphere in Sub-Saharan Africa (Lagos, Dar es Salaam and Cape Town)" (German Research Foundation, DFG; together with Prof. Abdulkader Tayob, University of Cape Town; Prof. Felician Tungaraza, University of Dar es Salaam; Mercator fellow: Dr. Marloes Janson, SOAS; PhD Students: Fungai Chirongoma, Mussa Muhoja). More...

July 2015-June 2019

"Embodied Emotions and Religious Belonging in the Context of Migration: Sufi Centres and (New) Pentecostal Churches in Berlin" (Research project C03 in the SFB 1171 "Affective Societies"; Principal Investigator: H. Dilger, Research Associates: Omar Kasmani, Dominik Mattes). More...

September 2015-August 2017; October 2018-September 2020

"Productive Pathologies: Professional Patients and the Commodification of Disease in Egypt" (German Research Foundation, DFG; PI: H. Dilger, Research Associate: M. Abdalla)

July 2013

International Summer School in Medical Anthropology "Well-being at the Margins: Seeking Health in Stratified Landscapes of Medicine and Healing" (Grant by: Volkswagen Stiftung). More...

April 2013-March 2015; September 2015-September 2017

"African Medical Migration: Nigerian Doctors in the USA between Conflicting Priorities of Moral, Economic and Professional Commitment" (German Research Foundation, DFG; PI: H. Dilger, Research Associate: J. Schühle

April 2012-July 2012

"Religious Reform, Faith-Based Development and Public Life in Sub-Saharan Africa (Lagos, Dar es Salaam and Cape Town)" (Seed grant by the Forschungskommission, FU Berlin; H. Dilger, Dr. Marloes Janson)

November 2011-April 2012

"Bridging the gaps in healthcare and healing: Traditional medicine and the biomedical health sector in Zanzibar" (Funded by: World Doctors – Südtiroler Ärzte für die Dritte Welt; PI: H. Dilger, Research Associate: Caroline Meier zu Biesen

April 2011-January 2012

"Living with MPS: Illness Perceptions and Health Practices among Patients with a Turkish Migration Background in Germany" (Funded by: Charité Berlin; PI: Hansjörg Dilger, Research Associate: Linn Leißner)


"Unequal Histories: Christian and Muslim Schools in Dar es Salaam" (Funded by the Department of Political and Social Sciences, FU Berlin; research conducted by Hansjörg Dilger)

December 2008-November 2010; October 2011-September 2013

"Bioprospecting in the African Renaissance: From Muthi to Intellectual Property Rights” (German Research Foundation, DFG; PI: Hansjörg Dilger, Research Associate: Britta Rutert)

September 2008-August 2010; May 2011-April 2012 

“Antiretroviral Therapy in Tanzania: Drugs and Patients in the Context of Global Power Structures and Local Agency” (Thyssen Foundation; PI: Hansjörg Dilger, Research Associate: Dominik Mattes).

June 2008-November 2008

Preliminary Study on “Migration and the diversity of healthcare structures in Berlin: Integrating epidemiological and ethnographic approaches” (Grant by Volkswagen Foundation; PI: Hansjörg Dilger, together with U. Luig, S. Beck., M. Dören, S. Willich, J. Müller-Nordhorn, M. Knecht).

July 2007-June 2009; February 2010-March 2012 

“Masculinities and AIDS in Cape Town, South Africa“ (German Research Foundation, DFG; PI: Hansjörg Dilger, Research Associate: Hanspeter Reihling)

Books and Editorships (selection)

2025 (withGisela Welz, Beate Binder & Thomas G. Kirsch, Hg.): Public Anthropology: Wissenspraktiken und gesellschaftliche Interventionen der ethnologischen Fächer. Frankfurt & New York: campus.

2025 (with Barbara Göbel, Lars-Christian Koch, Stephanie Schütze & Alexis von Poser, eds.): Collections as Relations: Contestations of Belonging, Cultural Heritage, and Knowledge Infrastructures. London: Routledge.

2024 (with Heike Drotbohm, eds.): Theme Section: Affective Regimes of Care Beyond Humanitarian Crisis. In: Focaal: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology 98. Download Introduction

2022 Learning Morality, Inequalities, and Faith: Christian and Muslim Schools in Tanzania. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press / International African Library.

2021 (with M. Warstat, eds.) Umkämpfte Vielfalt: Affektive Dynamiken institutioneller Diversifizierung. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus. Download Open Access

2020 (with A. Bochow, M. Burchardt and M. Wilhelm-Solomon, eds.) Affective Trajectories: Religion and Emotion in African Cityscapes. Durham: Duke University Press. Download Introduction
Affective Trajectories

2019 (Kollektiv Polylog) Das ist meine Geschichte: Frauen im Gespräch über Flucht und Ankommen. Münster: Unrast Verlag (in German, Arabic, Farsi and Turkish; with Illustrations by Huda Takriti). Reading Samples here

2018 (with J. Kehr and P. van Eeuwijk, eds.) "Transfigurations of Health and the Moral Economy of Medicine: Subjectivities, Materialities, Values". Special Issue in: Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 143 (1). Download Introduction

2018 (with D. Mattes and H. Dilger, eds.) "Im/Mobilities and Dis/Connectivities in Medical Globalization: How global is Global Health?" Special Issue in: Global Public Health 13 (3). Download Introduction

2016 (with K. Dohrn, eds., in Collaboration with International Women Space) Living in Refugee Camps in Berlin: Women's Perspectives and Experiences. Berlin: Weißensee Verlag. Download Preface, Introduction & Postface. (Reviews)

2015 (with S. Huschke and D. Mattes, eds.) "Ethics, Epistemology and Engagement: Encountering Values in Medical Anthropology." Special Issue in: Medical Anthropology 34 (1).

2014 (with R. van Dijk, M. Burchardt and T. Rasing, eds.) Religion and Aids-Treatment in Africa: Saving Souls, Prolonging Lives. Surrey: Ashgate.

2013 (with D. Schulz, eds.) "Politics of Religious Schooling: Christian and Muslim Engagements with Education in Africa." Special Issue in: Journal of Religion in Africa 43 (4).

2012 (with A. Kane and S. Langwick, eds.) Medicine, Mobility, and Power in Global Africa: Transnational Health and Healing. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. (Reviews)

2011 (with A. Hardon, eds.) "Global AIDS Medicines in East African Health Institutions". Special issue in: Medical Anthropology 30 (2).

2010 (with M. Burchardt and R. van Dijk, eds.) "The redemptive moment: HIV treatments and the production of new religious spaces". Special Issue in: African Journal of Aids Research 9 (4).

2010 (with U. Luig, eds.) Morality, Hope and Grief: Anthropologies of Aids in Africa. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books. (Reviews)

2010 (with Bernhard Hadolt, eds.) Medizin im Kontext. Krankheit und Gesundheit in einer vernetzten Welt. Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang Verlag. (Reviews)
Medizin im Kontext

2005 Leben mit Aids. Krankheit, Tod und soziale Beziehungen in Afrika. Eine Ethnographie. Frankfurt / New York: Campus. [Living with AIDS. Illness, death and social relationships in Africa. An Ethnography] (Reviews)

2004 (with A. Wolf, U. Frömming and K. Volker-Saad, eds.) Moderne und postkoloniale Transformation. Ethnologische Schrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Ute Luig. Berlin: Weißensee Verlag. [Modernity and Postcolonial Transformation. Social-anthropological Essays in Honor of the 60th Birthday of Ute Luig]

2001 (guest editor) afrika spectrum 36 (1), Special Issue ‘AIDS in Africa. Broadening the Perspectives’. Hamburg: Institute for African Affairs.

1999 “Besser der Vorhang im Haus als die Fahne im Wind”. Geld, AIDS und Moral im ländlichen Tanzania. Münster - London: LIT Verlag. [Better the Curtain in the House than the Flag Flowing to and fro”. Money, AIDS and Morality in Rural Tanzania]

Journal Articles (Selection)

2023 (H. Dilger; K. Mashimi; S. Nyazy): "Affective Ambiguities and Incompatible Value Frameworks: (Un)Sustaining Collaborations Within and Beyond Neoliberal Academia." In: Public Anthropologist 5 (2): 183-210.

2021 (S. Willen; N. Selim; E. Mendenhall; M. M. Lopez; S. A. Chowdhury; H. Dilger): "Flourishing: Migration and Health in Social Context" In: BMJ Global Health: 6:e005108.

2020 (O. Kasmani; N. Selim; H. Dilger; D. Mattes): "Introduction: Elsewhere Affects and the Politics of Engagement across Religious Life-Worlds". In: Religion and Society 11 (1), Theme Section "Elsewhere Affects": 92-104.

2020: "Governing Religious Multiplicity: The Ambivalence of Christian-Muslim Public Presences in Postcolonial Tanzania". In: Social Analysis 64 (1), Special Issue "Toward a Comparative Anthropology of Muslim and Christian Lived Religion" (ed. by Daan Beekers): 125-132.

2019 (H. Dilger; P. Pels; M. Sleeboom-Faulkner): "Guidelines for Data Management and Scientific Integrity in Ethnography". In: Ethnography 20 (1): 4-7.

2018 (P. Pels; I. Boog; J. H. Florusbosch; Z. Kripe; T. Minter; M. Postma; M. Sleeboom‐Faulkner; B. Simpson: H. Dilger; M. Schönhuth: A. Poser: R. C. A. Castillo; R. Lederman: H. Richards‐Rissetto): "Data Management in Anthropology". In: Social Anthropology/Anthropologie sociale 26(3): 391-413.

2018 (N. Zeldes; H. Dilger; K. FitzGerald; N. Kohls; E. Moore; E. Nöfer; J. Giordano): "Transnational Patients: Practical and Ethical Implications for Medical Practices and Health Promotions Policy". In: World Medical & Health Policy 10 (2): 198-207.

2018 (with J. Kehr and P. van Eeuwijk): "Introduction: Transfigurations of Health and the Moral Economy of Medicine: Subjectivities, Materialities, Values". In: Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 143 (1): 1-20.

2018 (with D. Mattes) "Im/Mobilities and Dis/Connectivities in Medical Globalization: How global is Global Health?" Introduction to Special Issue in: Global Public Health 13 (3).

2017 "Embodying Values and Socio-Religious Difference: New Markets of Moral Learning in Christian and Muslim Schools in Urban Tanzania". In: Africa - Journal of the International African Institute 87 (3): 513-36. Download

2017: "Ethics, Epistemology and Ethnography: The Need for an Anthropological Debate on Ethical Review Processes in Germany". In: Sociologus 67 (2):191-208.

2016 (with H. von Unger and M. Schönhuth) "Ethics Reviews in the Social and Cultural Sciences? A Sociological and Anthropological Contribution to the Debate." In: Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research 17 (3), Art. 20.

2016 (with K. Dohrn): "Preface: Engaging Anthropology in the 'Refugee Crisis' in Berlin – The Need for New Collaborations in Teaching and Research". In: H. Dilger, K. Dohrn (eds.), in Collaboration with International Women Space: Living in Refugee Camps in Berlin: Women's Perspectives and Experiences. Berlin, Weißensee Verlag, 9-22. 

2015 (with B. Hadolt): "Medicine in Context: Towards a Social and Cultural Anthropology of Medicine(s) in an Interconnected World". In: Medicine, Anthropology, Theory 2 (3).

2015 (with S. Huschke and D. Mattes): "Ethics, Epistemology and Engagement: Encountering Values in Medical Anthropology." In: Medical Anthropology 34 (1): 1-10.

2014 (with L. F. Bohle and U. Groß): "HIV-serostatus disclosure in the context of free antiretroviral therapy and socio-economic dependency: experiences among women living with HIV in Tanzania." In: African Journal of AIDS Research 13 (3): 215-227.

2014 "Claiming Territory: Medical Mission, Interreligious Revivalism, and the Spatialization of Health Interventions in Urban Tanzania." In: Medical Anthropology 33(1), Special Issue "Turning Therapies: Placing Medical Diversity" (ed. by D. Parkin, K. Krause and G. Alex): 52-67.

2013 (with D. Schulz): "Politics of Religious Schooling: Christian and Muslim Engagements with Education in Africa" Introduction to Special Issue in: Journal of Religion in Africa 43 (4) (guest editors: D. Schulz and H. Dilger): 365-378.

2013 "Religion and the Formation of 'Unequal subjects' in an Urban Educational Market: Transnational Reform Processes and Intertwined Histories of Christian and Muslim Schooling in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania." In: Journal of Religion in Africa 43 (4): 451-479.

2012 "Targeting the Empowered Individual: Transnational Policy-Making, the Global Economy of Aid and the Limitation of ‘Biopower’ in the Neoliberal Era." In: H. Dilger, A. Kane and S. Langwick (eds.) Medicine, Mobility, and Power in Global Africa. Transnational Health and Healing. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 60-91.

2012 (with B. Hadolt) "Medizinethnologie." In: B. Beer and H. Fischer (eds.): Ethnologie: Einführung und Überblick. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag (7th edition), 309-329.

2011 "Contextualising Ethics: or, the Morality of Knowledge Production in Ethnographic Fieldwork on 'the Unspeakable'". In: P.W. Geissler and S. Molyneux (eds.): Evidence, Ethos and Experiment: The Anthropology and History of Medical Research in Africa. Oxford & New York: Berghahn Books, 99-124.

2011 (with B. Rutert and G. M. Matsabisa) "Bioprospecting in South Africa: Opportunities and Challenges in the Global Knowledge Economy? – a Field in the Becoming." In: CAS Working Papers No. 1-11, Center for Area Studies der Freien Universität Berlin.

2010 (with N. Sullivan and D. Garcia) "Negotiating Professionalism, Economics and Moral Obligation: An Appeal for Ethnographic Approaches to African Medical Migration." In: African Diaspora 3 (2): 237-254.

2010 (with M. Burchardt and R. van Dijk): "Introduction - The redemptive moment: HIV treatments and the production of new religious spaces". In: African Journal of Aids Research 9 (4): 373-383.

2009 "Doing Better? Religion, the Virtue-Ethics of Development and the Fragmentation of Health Politics in Tanzania." In: Africa Today 56 (1): 89-110.

2009 "'African Sexualities' Revisited: The Morality of Sexuality and Gender in the Era of Globalization and AIDS." In: C. Pope, R. T. White and R. Malow (eds.): HIV/AIDS: Global Frontiers in Prevention/Intervention. London: Routledge, 124-136.

2008 "'We Are All Going to Die': Kinship, Belonging and the Morality of HIV/AIDS-Related Illnesses and Deaths in Rural Tanzania." In: Anthropological Quarterly  81 (1): 207-232.

2007 "Healing the Wounds of Modernity: Community, Salvation and Care in a Neo-Pentecostal Church in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania." In: Journal of Religion in Africa 37 (1): 59-83.

2006 "The Power of Aids: Kinship, Mobility and the Valuing of Social and Ritual Relationships in Tanzania." In: African Journal of Aids Research 5 (2): 109-21.

2003 "Sexuality, AIDS and the Lures of Modernity: Reflexivity and Morality among Young People in Rural Tanzania." In: Medical Anthropology 22 (1): 23-52. 

2001 "'Living PositHIVely in Tanzania'. The Global Dynamics of AIDS and the Meaning of Religion for International and Local AIDS Work." In: afrika spectrum 36 (1) 2001, Special issue “AIDS in Africa. Broadening the Perspectives”: 73-90.

Berlin Southern Theory Lecture