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Panos Tsitsanoudis

PhD candidate (Prof. Dr. Thomas Stodulka)

Working title of the PhD Project: Deadly intimacies, gendered deaths: A critical psychological anthropological inquiry of intimate femicidal violence in Greece

Panos Tsitsanoudis (he/him), holds a degree in Psychology (BA) from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and a Master’s degree (MA) in Gender studies, from the Department of Social Anthropology and History of University of Aegean, in Lesvos. He worked closely as a researcher, with issues concerning affects, queerness and necropolitics in the context of the european refugee regime in Greece, as well as a psychologist in the fields of psychosocial support and prevention of gendered violence. His research areas, are varying between relational psychoanalysis, affect theory, critical psychology and critical discourse analysis. At the moment, he is pursuing his PhD at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology in Freie Universität Berlin, working in the intersections of intimacy, (hetero)sexuality, femicidal violence and gendered death, from a critical psychological anthropological perspective.

Berlin Southern Theory Lecture