Networking project funded by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) in the framework of the program "Higher Education Dialogue with the Muslim World" 2014 - 2016 and 2020-2024.
Please visit our main website:
The project consists of a network of communication studies scholars of the most relevant institutes in eleven Arab countries and the Institute of Communication Studies at Freie Universität Berlin. The partners are:
School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Al-Akhawayn University, Morocco
The aim of this network is to establish a scientific exchange, founded on regional expertise which allows to understand media change and transformation of communicative practices in their specific local context and in globally intersecting hierarchies of power. By means of discussions and studies we will try to understand media in their trans-regional and cross-cultural dimensions taking into account global inequalities powerfully manifested in our communication infrastructure. Recognizing global hierarchies and inequalities in a postcolonial world, we commit to actively promote scientific cooperation to enhance dialogue and shed light on marginalized positions and positionalities in the field.
In addition, it is also important to actively include media change in our teaching. The network also explores how a specific, context-bound understanding of media change can be implemented in the teaching of communication studies. Thus, over the past years, students and faculty from different countries and universities were trained in digital media literacy in Beirut, Lebanon (MDLAB). For more information, including exercises, lectures and syllabi visit:
From 2020-2022, we will focus on strengthening research and practice in Media and Information Literacy in Europe and the Arab World. Media and digital literacy not only trains individuals to think critically about media messages, analyze propaganda and protect themselves from misleading communication, it also empowers citizens to use digital media tools to express their convictions and opinions and respond to those who have hijacked their beliefs and targeted their communities. The integrative nature of media and digital literacy education makes it flexible to tackle complex issues, such as sectarianism, racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, and populism.
The COVID-19 pandemic 2020 has accentuated global inequalities in access to resources structuring research globally. The consequences for the production and exchange of knowledge, also regarding gender are yet to be seen.
AREACORE„In order to produce informed and valid knowledge without imposing specific theories and methods, joint cross-cultural research should be conducted on an equal footing between researchers.” - Jassim M. Jaber & Carola Richter (2014), p. 2.
The Arab-European Association for Media and Communication Researchers (AREACORE) was founded on July 6, 2013 at the end of a workshop hosted by Freie Universität Berlin in cooperation with DAAD Germany. The partners have formed AREACORE to establish a broad network of scholars on both sides of the Mediterranean. The core members of the project function as national coordinators. The association’s goal is to strengthen and expand horizons among Arab and European scholars in the field of communication. In particular, it strives to facilitate communication research across Arab countries and between Arab and European scholars. Therefore, AREACORE organizes conferences and research-related activities and participates in the dissemination of research and studies, exchanging experience and training.
For more information on the Arab-European Association for Media and Communication Researchers (AREACORE), please visit:
We set up an eLearning platform where you can watch shorter and longer movies on general and recent aspects of media systems in the Arab world and beyond. There is additional material provided such as scripts in Arabic and English and literature references. The movies you can find there are the result of collaborative student’s projects supervised by professors from the ARECORE Network or have been realized in the framework of AREACORE’s projects.
Go to the platform.
Events 2024Beirut: FU students participate in Media and Digital Literacy Academy in Beirut - June 2019
Beirut: Summer School "Media and Digital Literacy Academy" - August 2018
Berlin: Expert Workshop on an Online Course on “Comparing Media Systems” – October 2015
The project has been preceded by two other workshops: