Prof. Dr. Thomas Risse

Freie Universität Berlin
Otto Suhr Institute for Political Science
Center for Transnational Relations, Foreign and Security Policy
Research Director
Room 105
14195 Berlin
Short CV
Prof. Dr. Thomas Risse is director of the Center for Transnational Relations, Foreign and Security Policy at the Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science at the Freie Universität Berlin.
He acts as a co-director of the research college “The Transformative Power of Europe”, as well as coordinator of the Research Center 700 "Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood", both funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). He also serves on the executive board of the Berlin Graduate School for Transnational Studies (BTS) and on the executive committee of the Joint Master program in International Relations. He is chair of the Social Science Committee of Science Europe, the association of research-funding and research-performing organizations in Europe.
From 1997-2001, he was Joint Chair of International Relations at the European University Institute's Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and the Department of Social and Political Sciences in Florence, Italy. His previous teaching and research appointments include the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt, the University of Konstanz, Germany, as well as Cornell and Yale Universities, and the University of Wyoming. He has also held visiting professorships at Stanford and Harvard Universities.
He received his PhD from the University of Frankfurt in 1987, after studying political science in Paris and Bonn.
CV and list of publications
Main fields of interest
Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood, European Public Sphere, Transatlantic Relations
Current Research Projects
Complete List of Publications
Selected Publications
- In preparation (with Börzel, T. A.): Governance Without Hierarchy? Effective and Legitimate in Areas of Limited Statehood, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (under contract).
- 2016: Domestic Politics and Norm Diffusion in International Relations: Ideas Do Not Float Freely, London/New York: Routledge.
2010: A Community of Europeans? Transnational Identities and Public Spheres, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
1995: Cooperation Among Democracies. The European Influence on U.S. Foreign Policy. Princeton Studies in International History and Politics, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Edited Volumes and Special Issues
- In preparation (co-edited with Wiener, A./Börzel, T. A.): European Integration Theory, 3rd ed., Oxford: Oxford University Press (under contract).
- In preparation (co-edited with Börzel, T. A/Draude, A.): Oxford Handbook of Governance and Limited Statehood, Oxford: Oxford University Press (under contract).
- co-edited with Börzel, T. A. 2016: The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Regionalism, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- co-edited with Babayan, N. 2015: Democracy Promotion and the Challenges of Illiberal Regional Powers. Special Issue of Democratization 22/3.
co-edited with Börzel, T. A./Dandashly, A. 2015: Responses to the ‘Arabellion.’ The EU in Comparative Perspective. Special Issue of Journal of European Integration 37/1.
2014: European Public Spheres. Politics is Back, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
co-edited with Krasner, S. 2014: External Actors, State Building, and Service Provision in Areas of Limited Statehood. Special Issue of Governance 27/4.
co-edited with Ropp, S./Sikkink, K. 2013: The Persistent Power of Human Rights. From Commitment to Compliance, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
co-edited with Carlsnaes, W./Simmons, B. 2013: Handbook of International Relations, 2nd ed., London: Sage.
co-edited with Börzel, T. A. 2012: From Europeanization to Diffusion. Special Issue of West European Politics 35/1; 2014 re-print: London: Routledge.
2011: Governance Without a State? Policies and Politics in Areas of Limited Statehood, New York, NY: Columbia University Press.
co-edited with Anderson, J./Ikenberry, J. G. 2008: The End of the West? Crisis and Change in the Atlantic Order, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
co-edited with Caporaso, J. A./Cowles, M. G. 2001: Transforming Europe: Europeanization and Domestic Change, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
Peer Reviewed Articles and Book Chapters
- 2016: The Transatlantic Security Community: Erosion From Within?, in: Alcaro, R./Peterson, J./Greco, E. (eds): The West and the Global Power Shift. Transatlantic Relations and Global Governance, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 21-42.
- co-authored with Börzel, T. A. 2016: Introduction: Framework of the Handbook and Conceptual Clarifications, in: Börzel, T. A./Risse, T. (eds): The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Regionalism, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 3-15.
- 2016: The Diffusion of Regionalism, in: Börzel, Tanja A./Risse, Thomas (eds): The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Regionalism, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 87-108.
- co-authored with Börzel, T. A. 2016: Three Cheers for Comparative Regionalism, in: Börzel, T. A./Risse, T. (eds): The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Regionalism, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 621-648.
- co-authored with Börzel, T. A. 2015: Zwischen Regionalstudien und Internationalen Beziehungen: Die vergleichende Regionalismusforschung als transdisziplinäres Forschungsfeld, in: Politische Vierteljahresschrift 56/2, 334-363.
- co-authored with Börzel, T. A./Dandashly, A. 2015: Responses to the ‘Arabellions’: The EU in Comparative Perspective — Introduction, in: Journal of European Integration 37/1, 1-17.
- co-authored with Börzel, T. A./Dandashly, A. 2015: The EU, External Actors, and the Arabellions: Much Ado About (Almost) Nothing, in: Journal of European Integration 37/1, 135-153.
2014: No Demos? Identities and Public Spheres in the Euro Crisis, in: JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 52/6, 1207-1215.
co-authored with Börzel, T. A. 2010: Governance Without a State – Can It Work?, in: Regulation & Governance 4, 113-134.
co-authored with Kleine, M. 2010: Deliberation in Negotiations, in: Journal of European Public Policy 17/5, 708-726.
2004: Social Constructivism and European Integration, in: Wiener, A./Diez, T. (eds): European Integration Theory, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 159-176 (2nd edition 2009: 144-160).
co-authored with Börzel, T. A. 2003: Conceptualizing the Domestic Impact of Europe, in: Featherstone, K./Radaelli, C. M. (eds): The Politics of Europeanisation (Oxford: Oxford University Press), 57-80.
2002: Constructivism and International Institutions. Toward Conversations Across Paradigms, in: Katznelson, I./Milner, H. (eds): Political Science as Discipline. Reconsidering Power, Choice, and the State at Century’s End, New York: W. W. Norton, 597-623.
2000: Let's Argue! Persuasion and Deliberation in International Relations, in: International Organization 54/1, 1-39.