Initiative for Climate Change and Employment in Berlin and Brandenburg (2)
Cornelia Wolter
Energiefonds Berlin, finanziert durch E.ON Energie AG
Project Partners:
DGB Bezirk Berlin-Brandenburg,
Verband Berlin-Brandenburgischer Wohnungsunternehmen,
die Handwerkskammern Cottbus, Frankfurt (Oder), Potsdam, Berlin,
Fachgemeinschaft Bau Berlin und Brandenburg,
Bauindustrieverband Berlin-Brandenburg,
Baukammer Berlin, die Architektenkammer Berlin,
Bund der Berliner Haus- und Grundbesitzervereine e.V.
The "Initiative for Climate Change and Employment in Berlin-Brandenburg" is a joint action of the DGB Berlin-Brandenburg region with the association "Energy & Work". Unions, chambers and associations have joined together in the spring of 2003 in order to contribute to environmental protection and the reduction of unemployment in the region. The initiative intends to implement a nationwide alliance for work and environment in the two federal states of Berlin and Brandenburg. The aims are: Reduction of energy consumption and CO2 emissions and the creation and security of jobs, particularly in the construction industry and the crafts.
For this purpose, a network was created, strengthened and professionalized which enables the exchange of technical information, project proposals and funding approaches to support the development and implementation of projects and investment projects for energy savings in existing buildings in the areas of housing and public buildings. The network consists of partners of the initiative, initiators and promoters of projects, housing associations, architects, trade unions, craft shops, but also of local authorities, local initiatives, educational institutions and professionals from businesses, technology and management. In January 2006, a coordination center was established at the Research Centre for Environmental Policy at the FU Berlin in order to advise investors and project initiators in the region and also to provide special information and support for the cooperation between the partners in the initiative. The Hans-Böckler-Foundation funded the coordination centre for 18 months. An advisory board gave their support and accompanied the project.
Since September 2008, the project was funded by the Energiefonds Berlin through E.ON Energy AG for a further 2 years. The close cooperation of all relevant stakeholders on climate change locally can become a role model for other regions and even an European role model.
Gustiné, Margit / Mez, Lutz / Vogelsang, Michael: Initiative für Klimaschutz und Beschäftigung in Berlin-Brandenburg. Berlin 2002, 22 S., (= Forschungsstelle für Umweltpolitik, FU Berlin, FFU rep 05-2002).