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Pioneering Climate Policies. The Nation State Facing Global Challenges

Volkswagen Foundation
Feb 01, 2003 — Jan 31, 2005
Contact Person:
Dr. Kerstin Tews

Project description

The project examined cases of pioneering policies of nation states in the field of climate protection. The involved researchers analysed the circumstances and framework conditions under which such policies occur and their results both with respect to the national invention and implementation of climate friendly technologies as well as to their international diffusion.

Existing databases on climate policies, technical options and energy/CO2 balances has been systematized, aggregated and focused in order to identify important cases of pioneering policies and diffusion patterns and to assess their impact on climate protection.

The core of the project has been case studies on six policies in five countries each (one pioneer, two early adopters, two late or non-adopters). Finally, the project assessed the chances for the promotion of pioneering policies in the decision networks analysed and recommended strategies for optimisation.


Tews, Kerstin (2007): Der Transfer einer Innovation. Die tschechisch-deutsche Initiative zum Dialog über eine Ökologische Steuerreform in Tschechien. Berlin 2007, 44 S., (= Forschungsstelle für Umweltpolitik, FU Berlin, FFU rep 01-2007)

Tews, Kerstin / Binder, Manfred (2006): Converging Objectives, Diverging Results? National Goal Formulation and Goal Achievement in Climate Change Policies. In: Jänicke, Martin / Jacob, Klaus (Eds.): Environmental Governance in Global Perspective. New Approaches to Ecological Modernisation. Berlin 2006, pp. 265-302, (= Forschungsstelle für Umweltpolitik, FU Berlin, FFU rep 01-2006, Special edition on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Environmental Policy Research Centre) ISSN 1612-3026.