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Project Team

  • Project page of "Translocal Networks: Public Sphere in the Social Web".

  • Project page of "Diffusion dynamics of conspiracy theories and adaptation strategies in hybrid information ecologies (DIFFCONT)".
  • Project page of "Dynamics of digital mobilization".

  • Project page of the former Research Group 15 "Digitalisation and the Transnational Public Sphere" at the Weizenbaum-Institut.

Dr. Annett Heft

Research Project Lead

Research Group "Dynamics of Digital Mobilization" at the Weizenbaum Institute and Principal Investigator of the collaborative research project "Patterns and Dynamics of Conspiracy Theories and Far-Right Ideologies in Times of Crisis" (NEOVEX) at the FU

+49 30 700 141 047

Dr. Annett Heft

Dr. Kilian Bühling


Research Project: Diffusion dynamics of conspiracy theories and adaptation strategies in hybrid information ecologies (DIFFCONT) part of the NEOVEX research network

Kilian Bühling

Dr. Daniela Stoltenberg


Project "Translocal Networks II: Contested Spaces and Climate Justice on Social Media", Subproject of DFG-sponsored "Re-Figuration of Spaces"

+49 30 838 63424

Daniela Stoltenberg_Portrait

Daniel Thiele, M.A.


Research Group "Dynamics of Digital Mobilization"


Zozan Baran Manderbach, M.A.


Project "Translocal Networks II: Contested Spaces and Climate Justice on Social Media", Subproject of DFG-sponsored "Re-Figuration of Spaces"

+49 30 838 52751


Baoning Gong, M.A.


Research Group "Dynamics of Digital Mobilization"


Alexa Keinert, M.A.


Project "Translocal Networks: Public Sphere in the Social Web", Subproject of DFG-sponsored "Re-Figuration of Spaces"

+49 30 838 66536

Alexa Keinert

Miriam Milzner, M.A.


Research Group "Dynamics of Digital Mobilization"


Susanne Reinhardt, M.A.

Researcher in the research group "WealthTalks"

Susanne Reinhardt

Xixuan Zhang, M.A.


Research Project "Diffusion dynamics of conspiracy theories and adaptation strategies in hybrid information ecologies" (DIFFCONT) part of the NEOVEX research network


Corina Schwippel, M.A.


Research Group "Dynamics of Digital Mobilisation"

+49 30 838 54535

Corina Schwippel_Portrait

Joana Becker, B.A.

Student Assistant

Research project "Diffusion dynamics of conspiracy theories and adaptation strategies in hybrid information spaces" (DIFFCONT) part of the NEOVEX research network


Lakshmi A. Brandão

Student Assistant

Research Group "Dynamics of Digital Mobilization"

Ellie Crocker, B.A.

Student Assistant

Project "Translocal Networks II: Contested Spaces and Climate Justice on Social Media", Subproject of DFG-sponsored "Re-Figuration Klimagerechtigkeit in sozialen Medien", Teilprojekt des DFG-geförderten Sonderforschungsbereiches „Re-Figuration von Räumen"

Hatem Hegab, B.A.

Student Assistant, Project "Translocal Networks: Public Sphere in the Social Web"


Alexander Iwan, B.A.

Student Assistant

Research Group "Dynamics of Digital Mobilization"
